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Hans Nikolaus Krauß

Birthdate: December 26, 1861
Date of death: September 20, 1906
Born on 26 September 1861 in Žírnice near Cheb.

He was the son of an inspector of forests. After completing the study at the grammar school in Cheb, he started to study the German studies, journalism and he became a writer.

He was the head of the publishing of a literary magazine “Deutsche Blätter“. Afterwards he became a co-worker of the magazine “Volkstribüne“, 1890 he was the editor-in –chief of this socialist paper. In 1894 – 95, he was a member of the editorial staff of the magazine “Sozialdemokrat“. 1896 he started working in the editorial staff of the main paper of the German Social Democracy (“Vorwärts“). Besides his specialty, he devoted himself also to writing:

Roman trilogy “Heimat“, novels and tales in two collected writings “Im Waldwinkel“ and “An der Wende“.

There were already 11 houses and 70 people lived Žírnice as it becomes a settlement of the village of Jesenice in 1850. The municipal forest district in Žírnice with 80 hectares of forest was an important source of incomes for Cheb to which corresponded the position of the municipal inspector of forests. However, the gamekeeper´s lodge in Žírnice has become significant also for the cultural memory of the Cheb area. Writer and journalist Hans Nikolaus Kraus (1861-1906) was born on 26-12- 1861 here. His three-part novel Domov (Home) belongs to the best works of the Cheb regional literature. In 1902, the neighbouring village of Lipová becomes an independent village and Žírnice having 59 citizens becomes its settlement. There were 10 houses and 49 people living in Žírnice in 1930.
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            hans nikolaus krauß
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